Accurio Road Show 2019 – Palembang

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Perdana Jatiputra sebagai Authorized distributor resmi merek Konica Minolta di Indonesia, kembali menggelar “Accurio Roadshow 2019” di beberapa kota, kali ini kota Palembang menjadi tuan rumah penyelenggaraan event ini.

Suasana Road Show di Hotel Arya Duta Palembang

AccurioPress menggantikan Bizhub Press untuk perangkat pencetakan produksi kelas atas. Seri AccurioPress terbaru dengan tipe AccurioPress C6100/C6085 ini diciptakan  untuk mendukung proses cetak yang responsive & memberikan solusi yang komprehensif. Dengan teknologi mesin yang handal, produksi ini menjadi sangat produktif dan fleksibel, khusus dirancang untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan percetakan besar dan menengah, juga sebagai pendamping mesin offset untuk kebutuhan “Print On Demand” / POD.

Acara “Accurio Roadshow 2019”  ini dihadiri oleh Top Management PT. Perdana Jatiputra, perwakilan Konica Minolta Indonesia, dealer Konica Minolta dan pengusaha-pengusaha percetakan.

Mesin AccurioPress memberikan konsistensi warna yang stabil untuk semua jenis hasil cetakan : mencetak kapan saja dan di mana saja hasil warnanya pasti sama. Keunikan inilah yang meningkatkan profitabilitas dan produktivitas kerja, hemat waktu, karena operator mesin tidak perlu lagi menghabiskan waktu lama untuk melakukan setting warna hanya demi mendapatkan kestabilan warna yang sesuai untuk setiap order printing, terutama bila ada “repeat order” di tempat percetakan yang berbeda. Dengan demikian pemilik mesin dapat memangkas biaya operational : biaya print dan pemakaian kertas menjadi lebih efisien, tidak terbuang percuma untuk “trial” setting warna.

Mesin Accurio memperluas fleksibilitas, meningkatkan kecepatan, efisiensi, dan memastikan kualitas cetak tinggi dengan meningkatkan akurasi dan produktivitas, sehingga sangat sesuai dengan tag-line Accurio series yaitu Advanced, Automate, Accurate, dengan kata lain : canggih, otomatis dan akurat.

Accurio adalah solusi tunggal di era baru bisnis cetak yang profesional. Produktivitas dan kehandalan mesin yang tinggi tidak diragukan lagi untuk menghadapi tantangan perputaran bisnis cetak yang jauh lebih cepat, tahan banting, terutama dalam menangani pekerjaan dengan volume dan kecepatan tinggi.

Kelebihan lain dari AccurioPress C6100/C6085 ini adalah memperluas potensi bisnis yang dapat mendukung pemakaian kertas hingga ketebalan 400gsm dan dapat mencetak dengan kecepatan 100 lembar A4/per menit. Selain itu, dengan adanya “Banner bypass unit” ( MB-508 ) dan “Banner Kit” ( MK-740 ), mesin AccurioPress C6100/C6085 ini dapat mencetak banner sampai dengan panjang (maksimal 1.300mm), dan dalam jumlah besar. Terdapat juga cabinet kertas terbaru yaitu LU-202XLm yang memungkinkan untuk menampung kertas dengan kapasitas sampai 1.000 lembar, dengan maksimal panjang kertas sampai dengan ukuran 762mm

Rahasia dibalik kecanggihan mesin AccurioPress ini adalah adanya Intelligent Quality Optimizer ( IQ-501 ) yang berfungsi untuk memantau dan menyesuaikan kestabilan warna secara otomatis dari awal sampai akhir pada saat proses cetak. Dengan pengoptimalan IQ-501 ini, selain dapat memberikan konsistensi warna yang sesuai, juga memberikan konsistensi hasil cetak bolak-balik yang presisi ( front to back registration ) secara otomatis dan real time, sehingga mengurangi kesalahan cetak ( less waste ), dan profiling hasil yang sama setiap repeat order, tanpa perlu lagi melakukan adjustment warna secara keseluruhan. IQ-501 meningkatkan produktivitas dan menghasilkan konsistensi warna yang superior sehingga dapat memberikan kualitas cetak dan warna yang tepat sesuai permintaan pelanggan.

Keunggulan Mesin AccurioPress C6100/C6085 ini menggabungkan pencetakan digital yang kualitas warnanya dapat mendekati cetakan offset dengan menggunakan system manajemen warna, sehingga menghasilkan hasil yang optimal. Dengan kecanggihan Teknologi “SEAD V Screen-Enhancing Active Digital Processing System” membuat mesin ini mempunyai kestabilan warna yang dapat diandalkan.

Toner yang dipakai adalah Simitri HDE yang mempunyai sertifikat food contact dari TUV sehingga makanan yang dikemas dan diberi label dari produksi mesin ini aman untuk dikonsumsi. Toner Simitri HDE menghasilkan tekstur alami yang lebih tinggi seperti proses cetak dari mesin offset.

Dengan kelebihan yang banyak dimiliki oleh AccurioPress ini, PT. Perdana Jatiputra yakin kehadiran AccurioPress C6100/C6085 ini dapat memberikan maksimum performance bagi para pemain cetak digital di Indonesia.

Managed print services

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At Konica Minolta Australia, we offer Optimised Print Services, or OPS, to help you manage your print hardware more effectively and efficiently – which includes making sure you have the right printing fleet, processes, finance and security in place. Our services include OPS Consult, OPS Implement and OPS Manage. With OPS Consult, our expert consultants provide recommendations based on defined consulting procedures and powerful analysis tools. OPS Implement looks at providing change management based on your specific business needs. With OPS Manage, our expert consultants offer a scalable portfolio of services to help you run and manage your new fleet. Tailored to the specific needs of your business, our OPS Manage service can complement your existing IT services or assume full operational responsibility.

Optimised Print Services Enquiry

Call us on +6221 424 8809

bizhub C554e

Take control of your document needs with first class usability.

Others in this series

bizhub C754e   |   bizhub C654e   |   bizhub C454e   |   bizhub C224e   |   bizhub C308   |   bizhub C368

Key Features


Product Category Office
Mono Output Speed (A4 pages per min) 55
Colour Output Speed (A4 pages per min) 55
Print Resolution (dpi) 1200 x 1200
Copy Resolution (dpi) 600 x 600
First Time To Print Mono (secs) 4.1
First Time To Print Colour (secs) 4.6
Warm Up Time (secs) 22
Output Size Max SRA3
Average Monthly Volume (A4 pages per mth) 33333
Standard Paper Input Tray 1 (sheets) 500 (up to A3)
Standard Paper Input Tray 2 (sheets) 500 (up to SRA3)
Standard Paper Input Multiple Bypass (sheets) 150 (up to SRA3)
Maximum Paper Input (sheets) 6650
Paper Weight Trays (gsm) (Tray 1/2) 52 – 256
Paper Weight Multiple Bypass (gsm) 52 – 300
Standard Memory (GB) 2 (Max 4)
Hard Drive Standard 250
Document Feeder (sheets) 100
Weight (kg) (Approx) 101
Dimension W x D x H (mm) 615 × 685 × 921
Dimension Inclusions Dimensions include Automatic Document Feeder (ADF)
Power Requirements (V / Amp / Hz) 220-240V / 9A / 50-60Hz
Max Power Consumption (kW) 2
Energy Star Typical Energy Consumption (kWh/week) 3.52
Automatic Duplex Unit Paper Weight (gsm) 52 to 256 gsm
Automatic Duplex Unit Max Sheet Size SRA3
Scan Type Full colour scanner
Scanning Speed Simplex Max 80
Scanning Speed Duplex Max 160
Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T)
Protocol TCP/IP (FTP, SMB, SMTP)
Dual Scan True
Scanning Size Max A3
Scan Resolution Push: 200 dpi / 300 dpi / 400 dpi / 600 dpiPull: 100 dpi / 200 dpi / 300 dpi / 400 dpi / 600 dpi
Output Format TIFF, JPEG, PDF, Compact PDF, XPS, Compact XPS, PPTx, DOCx*, XLSx*, Searchable PDF*, PDF / A*, Linearised PDF *optional
Main Functions Scan to E-Mail, Scan to FTP, Scan to BOX (HDD), Scan to PC (SMB), Network TWAIN, Scan to WebDAV, Scan to Me, Scan to Home, Scan to USB, Scan to Scan Server, Scan to Web Service (WSD-Scan), Device Profile for Web Services (DPWS)
Modem Type Super G3
Modem Speed (min to max kbps) 2.4 to 33.6
Transmission Speed (secs) 3
Scanning Speed (A4 originals per min) 55
Numberof Stored Destinations 2000
Numberof One Touch Destinations 400
Numberof Group Destinations 100
Internet Fax Protocol SMTP, POP
Internet Fax Resolution (dpi) 200 x 100, 200 x 200, 400 x 400, 600 x 600
Internet Fax Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T)
Internet Fax Colour True
Sendand Receive File Format Send: TIFF-F, Receive: TIFF-F Colour / Grey Scale:TIFF (RFC3949 Profile-C)
Operating System Support Windows 2000 / XP / XP 64bit / Vista / Vista 64bit / 7 / 7 64bit / 8 / 8 64bit / Server 2003 / Server 2003 64bit / Server 2003 R2 / Server 2003 R2 64bit /Server 2008 / Server 2008 64bit / Server 2012 / Mac OS 9.2 / Mac OS X 10.2 / 10.3/10.4 (Power PC) / Mac OS X 10.5 Power PC/Intel / Mac OS X 10.6 /10.7 / 10.8 Intel Linux
Processor (MHz) SOC 800 MHz (DualCore)
Supported Protocols TCP / IP, IPX/SPX (NDS support), SMB (NetBEUI), LPD, IPP1.1, SNMP, HTTP
Memory (Shared with copier)
Printer Language PostScript 3 Emulation (3016), PCL5e/c, PCL6 (Ver. 3.0), XPS Ver. 1.0
Printer Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T), USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB Host



To contact us regarding your sales enquiry, call us on:

+6221 424 8809

bizhub C454e

Improve productivity with high-speed output and powerful modular options for scalability.

Others in this series

bizhub C754e   |   bizhub C654e   |   bizhub C554e   |   bizhub C224e   |   bizhub C308   |   bizhub C368

Key Features


Product Category Office
Mono Output Speed (A4 pages per min) 45
Colour Output Speed (A4 pages per min) 45
Print Resolution (dpi) 1200 x 1200
Copy Resolution (dpi) 600 x 600
First Time To Print Mono (secs) 4.6
First Time To Print Colour (secs) 5.5
Warm Up Time (secs) 25
Output Size Max SRA3
Average Monthly Volume (A4 pages per mth) 30000
Standard Paper Input Tray 1 (sheets) 500 (up to A3)
Standard Paper Input Tray 2 (sheets) 500 (up to SRA3)
Standard Paper Input Multiple Bypass (sheets) 150 (up to SRA3)
Maximum Paper Input (sheets) 6650
Paper Weight Trays (gsm) (Tray 1/2) 52 – 256
Paper Weight Multiple Bypass (gsm) 52 – 300
Standard Memory (GB) 2 (Max 4)
Hard Drive Standard 250
Document Feeder (sheets) 100
Weight (kg) (Approx) 101
Dimension W x D x H (mm) 615 × 685 × 921
Dimension Inclusions Dimensions include Automatic Document Feeder (ADF)
Power Requirements (V / Amp / Hz) 220-240V / 9A / 50-60Hz
Max Power Consumption (kW) 2
Energy Star Typical Energy Consumption (kWh/week) 2.94
Automatic Duplex Unit Paper Weight (gsm) 52 to 256 gsm
Automatic Duplex Unit Max Sheet Size SRA3
Scan Type Full colour scanner
Scanning Speed Simplex Max 80
Scanning Speed Duplex Max 160
Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T)
Protocol TCP/IP (FTP, SMB, SMTP)
Dual Scan True
Scanning Size Max A3
Scan Resolution Push: 200 dpi / 300 dpi / 400 dpi / 600 dpiPull: 100 dpi / 200 dpi / 300 dpi / 400 dpi / 600 dpi
Output Format TIFF, JPEG, PDF, Compact PDF, XPS, Compact XPS, PPTx, DOCx*, XLSx*, Searchable PDF*, PDF / A*, Linearised PDF *optional
Main Functions Scan to E-Mail, Scan to FTP, Scan to BOX (HDD), Scan to PC (SMB), Network TWAIN, Scan to WebDAV, Scan to Me, Scan to Home, Scan to USB, Scan to Scan Server, Scan to Web Service (WSD-Scan), Device Profile for Web Services (DPWS)
Modem Type Super G3
Modem Speed (min to max kbps) 2.4 to 33.6
Transmission Speed (secs) 3
Scanning Speed (A4 originals per min) 55
Numberof Stored Destinations 2000
Numberof One Touch Destinations 400
Numberof Group Destinations 100
Internet Fax Protocol SMTP, POP
Internet Fax Resolution (dpi) 200 x 100, 200 x 200, 400 x 400, 600 x 600
Internet Fax Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T)
Internet Fax Colour True
Sendand Receive File Format Send: TIFF-F, Receive: TIFF-F Colour / Grey Scale:TIFF (RFC3949 Profile-C)
Operating System Support Windows 2000 / XP / XP 64bit / Vista / Vista 64bit / 7 / 7 64bit / 8 / 8 64bit / Server 2003 / Server 2003 64bit / Server 2003 R2 / Server 2003 R2 64bit /Server 2008 / Server 2008 64bit / Server 2012 / Mac OS 9.2 / Mac OS X 10.2 / 10.3/10.4 (Power PC) / Mac OS X 10.5 Power PC/Intel / Mac OS X 10.6 /10.7 / 10.8 Intel Linux
Processor (MHz) SOC 800 MHz (DualCore)
Supported Protocols TCP / IP, IPX/SPX (NDS support), SMB (NetBEUI), LPD, IPP1.1, SNMP, HTTP
Memory (Shared with copier)
Printer Language PostScript 3 Emulation (3016), PCL5e/c, PCL6 (Ver. 3.0), XPS Ver. 1.0
Printer Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T), USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB Host



To contact us regarding your sales enquiry, call us on:

+6221 424 8809

bizhub 364e

An all-in-one multifunction printer to drive your office and empower information sharing.

Others in this series

bizhub 754e   |   bizhub 654e   |   bizhub 554e   |   bizhub 454e   |  bizhub 284e   |   bizhub 224e   |   bizhub 215   |   bizhub 195

Key Features


Product Category Office
Mono Output Speed (A4 pages per min) 36
Print Resolution (dpi) 1200 x 1200
Copy Resolution (dpi) 600 x 600
First Time To Print Mono (secs) 5.3
Warm Up Time (secs) 20
Output Size Max SRA3
Average Monthly Volume (A4 pages per mth) 13333
Standard Paper Input Tray 1 (sheets) 500 (up to A3)
Standard Paper Input Tray 2 (sheets) 500 (up to SRA3)
Standard Paper Input Multiple Bypass (sheets) 150 (up to SRA3)
Maximum Paper Input (sheets) 3650
Paper Weight Trays (gsm) (Tray 1/2) 52 – 256
Paper Weight Multiple Bypass (gsm) 52 – 300
Standard Memory (GB) 2 (Max 4)
Hard Drive Standard 250
Document Feeder (sheets) 100
Weight (kg) (Approx) 85
Dimension W x D x H (mm) 615 × 685 × 779
Dimension Inclusions Dimensions don’t include Automatic Document Feeder (ADF)
Power Requirements (V / Amp / Hz) 220-240V / 9A / 50-60Hz
Max Power Consumption (kW) 1.58
Energy Star Typical Energy Consumption (kWh/week) 2.15
Automatic Duplex Unit Paper Weight (gsm) 52 to 256 gsm
Automatic Duplex Unit Max Sheet Size SRA3
Scan Type Full colour scanner
Scanning Speed Simplex Max 80
Scanning Speed Duplex Max 37 (DF-624), 160 (DF-701)
Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T)
Protocol TCP/IP (FTP, SMB, SMTP)
Dual Scan True
Scanning Size Max A3
Scan Resolution Push: 200 dpi / 300 dpi / 400 dpi / 600 dpiPull: 100 dpi / 200 dpi / 300 dpi / 400 dpi / 600 dpi
Output Format TIFF, JPEG, PDF, Compact PDF, XPS, Compact XPS, PPTx, DOCx*, XLSx*, Searchable PDF*, PDF / A*, Linearised PDF *optional
Main Functions Scan to E-Mail, Scan to FTP, Scan to BOX (HDD), Scan to PC (SMB), Network TWAIN, Scan to WebDAV, Scan to Me, Scan to Home, Scan to USB, Scan to Scan Server, Scan to Web Service (WSD-Scan), Device Profile for Web Services (DPWS)
Modem Type Super G3
Modem Speed (min to max kbps) 2.4 to 33.6
Transmission Speed (secs) 3
Scanning Speed (A4 originals per min) 55
Numberof Stored Destinations 2000
Numberof One Touch Destinations 400
Numberof Group Destinations 100
Internet Fax Protocol SMTP, POP
Internet Fax Resolution (dpi) 200 x 100, 200 x 200, 400 x 400, 600 x 600
Internet Fax Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T)
Internet Fax Colour True
Sendand Receive File Format Send: TIFF-F, Receive: TIFF-F Colour / Grey Scale:TIFF (RFC3949 Profile-C)
Operating System Support Windows 2000 / XP / XP 64bit / Vista / Vista 64bit / 7 / 7 64bit / 8 / 8 64bit / Server 2003 / Server 2003 64bit / Server 2003 R2 / Server 2003 R2 64bit /Server 2008 / Server 2008 64bit / Server 2012 / Mac OS 9.2 / Mac OS X 10.2 / 10.3/10.4 (Power PC) / Mac OS X 10.5 Power PC/Intel / Mac OS X 10.6 /10.7 / 10.8 Intel Linux
Processor (MHz) SOC 800 MHz (DualCore)
Supported Protocols TCP / IP, IPX/SPX (NDS support), SMB (NetBEUI), LPD, IPP1.1, SNMP, HTTP
Memory (Shared with copier)
Printer Language PostScript 3 Emulation (3016), PCL5e/c, PCL6 (Ver. 3.0), XPS Ver. 1.0
Printer Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T), USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB Host
To contact us regarding your sales enquiry, call us on:
+6221 424 8809

bizhub 284e

A compact all-in-one multifunction device that prints and scans in colour and monochrome.

Others in this series

bizhub 754e   |   bizhub 654e   |   bizhub 554e   |   bizhub 454e   |  bizhub 364e   |   bizhub 224e   |   bizhub 215   |   bizhub 195

Key Features


Product Category Office
Mono Output Speed (A4 pages per min) 22
Print Resolution (dpi) 1200 x 1200
Copy Resolution (dpi) 600 x 600
First Time To Print Mono (secs) 6.9
Warm Up Time (secs) 20
Output Size Max SRA3
Average Monthly Volume (A4 pages per mth) 10000
Standard Paper Input Tray 1 (sheets) 500 (up to A3)
Standard Paper Input Tray 2 (sheets) 500 (up to SRA3)
Standard Paper Input Multiple Bypass (sheets) 150 (up to SRA3)
Maximum Paper Input (sheets) 3650
Paper Weight Trays (gsm) (Tray 1/2) 52 – 256
Paper Weight Multiple Bypass (gsm) 52 – 300
Standard Memory (GB) 2 (Max 4)
Hard Drive Standard 250
Document Feeder (sheets) 100
Weight (kg) (Approx) 85
Dimension W x D x H (mm) 615 × 685 × 779
Dimension Inclusions Dimensions don’t include Automatic Document Feeder (ADF)
Power Requirements (V / Amp / Hz) 220-240V / 9A / 50-60Hz
Max Power Consumption (kW) 1.58
Energy Star Typical Energy Consumption (kWh/week) 1.26
Automatic Duplex Unit Paper Weight (gsm) 52 to 256 gsm
Automatic Duplex Unit Max Sheet Size SRA3
Scan Type Full colour scanner
Scanning Speed Simplex Max 80
Scanning Speed Duplex Max 37 (DF-624), 160 (DF-701)
Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T)
Protocol TCP/IP (FTP, SMB, SMTP)
Dual Scan True
Scanning Size Max A3
Scan Resolution Push: 200 dpi / 300 dpi / 400 dpi / 600 dpiPull: 100 dpi / 200 dpi / 300 dpi / 400 dpi / 600 dpi
Output Format TIFF, JPEG, PDF, Compact PDF, XPS, Compact XPS, PPTx, DOCx*, XLSx*, Searchable PDF*, PDF / A*, Linearised PDF *optional
Main Functions Scan to E-Mail, Scan to FTP, Scan to BOX (HDD), Scan to PC (SMB), Network TWAIN, Scan to WebDAV, Scan to Me, Scan to Home, Scan to USB, Scan to Scan Server, Scan to Web Service (WSD-Scan), Device Profile for Web Services (DPWS)
Modem Type Super G3
Modem Speed (min to max kbps) 2.4 to 33.6
Transmission Speed (secs) 3
Scanning Speed (A4 originals per min) 55
Numberof Stored Destinations 2000
Numberof One Touch Destinations 400
Numberof Group Destinations 100
Internet Fax Protocol SMTP, POP
Internet Fax Resolution (dpi) 200 x 100, 200 x 200, 400 x 400, 600 x 600
Internet Fax Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T)
Internet Fax Colour True
Sendand Receive File Format Send: TIFF-F, Receive: TIFF-F Colour / Grey Scale:TIFF (RFC3949 Profile-C)
Operating System Support Windows 2000 / XP / XP 64bit / Vista / Vista 64bit / 7 / 7 64bit / 8 / 8 64bit / Server 2003 / Server 2003 64bit / Server 2003 R2 / Server 2003 R2 64bit /Server 2008 / Server 2008 64bit / Server 2012 / Mac OS 9.2 / Mac OS X 10.2 / 10.3/10.4 (Power PC) / Mac OS X 10.5 Power PC/Intel / Mac OS X 10.6 /10.7 / 10.8 Intel Linux
Processor (MHz) SOC 800 MHz (DualCore)
Supported Protocols TCP / IP, IPX/SPX (NDS support), SMB (NetBEUI), LPD, IPP1.1, SNMP, HTTP
Memory (Shared with copier)
Printer Language PostScript 3 Emulation (3016), PCL5e/c, PCL6 (Ver. 3.0), XPS Ver. 1.0
Printer Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T), USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB Host
To contact us regarding your sales enquiry, call us on:
+6221 424 8809

bizhub C3350

Perfect versatile partner for printing, copying, scanning and faxing.

Others in this series

Key Features


Product Category Office
Mono Output Speed (A4 pages per min) 33
Colour Output Speed (A4 pages per min) 33
Print Resolution (dpi) 600 x 600
Copy Resolution (dpi) 1200 x 1200
First Time To Print Mono (secs) 7.2
First Time To Print Colour (secs) 8.1
Warm Up Time (secs) 30
Output Size Max A4
Average Monthly Volume (A4 pages per mth) 6667
Standard Paper Input Tray 1 (sheets) 550 (Universal tray)
Standard Paper Input Tray 2 (sheets) 500
Standard Paper Input Tray 3 (sheets) 500
Standard Paper Input Multiple Bypass (sheets) 100
Maximum Paper Input (sheets) 1650 (80 gsm)
Paper Weight Trays (gsm) 60-210
Paper Weight Multiple Bypass (gsm) 60-210
Standard Memory (GB) 1
Hard Drive Standard 320
Weight (kg) 47.6
Dimension W x D x H (mm) 555 x 584 x 603
Power Requirements (V / Amp / Hz) 220-240V / 50-60Hz
Max Power Consumption (kW) 1.3
Energy Star Typical Energy Consumption (kWh/week) 2.23
Automatic Duplex Unit Paper Weight (gsm) 60 to 210 gsm
Automatic Duplex Unit Max Sheet Size A4
Scan Type Full colour scanner
Scanning Speed Simplex Max 35
Interface Ethernet 10Base-T / 100Base-TX / 1000Base-T
Protocol TCP/IP (FTP, SMB, SMTP , WebDAV) TCP Socket WSD
Dual Scan False
Scanning Size Max 215.9 x 1000 mm
Scan Resolution 150 dpi / 200 dpi / 300 dpi / 600 dpi (Network TWAIN: 150 dpi / 300 dpi / 600 dpi / 1200 dpi / 2400 dpi / 4800 dpi)
Output Format TIFF, PDF, Compact PDF, JPEG, XPS, PDF/APage setting (Single page / Multi page)
Main Functions Scan to E-mail, Scan to FTP, Scan to SMB, Scan to HDD, Scan to WebDAV, Scan to USB.
Modem Type Super G3
Modem Speed (min to max kbps) 2.4 to 33.6
Scanning Speed (A4 originals per min) 35
Internet Fax Colour False
Operating System Support Windows XP SP3 / XP SP2 64bit / Vista SP2 / Vista SP2 64-bit /7 SP1 / 8 / Windows Server 2003 SP2 / Server 2003 SP2 64-bit / Server 2008 SP2 / Server 2008 SP2 64-bit / Mac OS X /Linux Redhat 9.0 / SUSE 10
Processor (MHz) 1066MHz
Memory (Shared with copier)
Printer Language PCL5e/c Emulation, PCL XL Ver. 2.1 Emulation, PostScript 3 Emulation (3016), XPS Ver. 1.0
Printer Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T), USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB Host


To contact us regarding your sales enquiry, call us on:
+6221 424 8809

bizhub C3850

Perfect versatile partner for printing, copying, scanning and faxing.

Others in this series

Key Features


Product Category Office
Mono Output Speed (A4 pages per min) 38
Colour Output Speed (A4 pages per min) 38
Print Resolution (dpi) 600 x 600
Copy Resolution (dpi) 1200 x 1200
First Time To Print Mono (secs) 9
First Time To Print Colour (secs) 10
Warm Up Time (secs) 30
Output Size Max A4
Average Monthly Volume (A4 pages per mth) 6667
Standard Paper Input Tray 1 (sheets) 550 (Universal tray)
Standard Paper Input Tray 2 (sheets) 500
Standard Paper Input Tray 3 (sheets) 500
Standard Paper Input Multiple Bypass (sheets) 100
Maximum Paper Input (sheets) 1650 (80 gsm)
Paper Weight Trays (gsm) 60-210
Paper Weight Multiple Bypass (gsm) 60-210
Standard Memory (GB) 1
Hard Drive Standard 320
Weight (kg) 47.5
Dimension W x D x H (mm) 555 x 584 x 603
Power Requirements (V / Amp / Hz) 220-240V / 50-60Hz
Max Power Consumption (kW) 1.3
Energy Star Typical Energy Consumption (kWh/week) 2.08
Automatic Duplex Unit Paper Weight (gsm) 60 to 210 gsm
Automatic Duplex Unit Max Sheet Size A4
Scan Type Full colour scanner
Scanning Speed Simplex Max 35
Interface Ethernet 10Base-T / 100Base-TX / 1000Base-T
Protocol TCP/IP (FTP, SMB, SMTP , WebDAV) TCP Socket WSD
Dual Scan False
Scanning Size Max 215.9 x 1000 mm
Scan Resolution 150 dpi / 200 dpi / 300 dpi / 600 dpi (Network TWAIN: 150 dpi / 300 dpi / 600 dpi / 1200 dpi / 2400 dpi / 4800 dpi)
Output Format TIFF, PDF, Compact PDF, JPEG, XPS, PDF/APage setting (Single page / Multi page)
Main Functions Scan to E-mail, Scan to FTP, Scan to SMB, Scan to HDD, Scan to WebDAV, Scan to USB.
Modem Type Super G3
Modem Speed (min to max kbps) 2.4 to 33.6
Scanning Speed (A4 originals per min) 35
Internet Fax Colour False
Operating System Support Windows XP SP3 / XP SP2 64bit / Vista SP2 / Vista SP2 64-bit /7 SP1 / 8 / Windows Server 2003 SP2 / Server 2003 SP2 64-bit / Server 2008 SP2 / Server 2008 SP2 64-bit / Mac OS X /Linux Redhat 9.0 / SUSE 10
Processor (MHz) 1066MHz
Memory (Shared with copier)
Printer Language PCL5e/c Emulation, PCL XL Ver. 2.1 Emulation, PostScript 3 Emulation (3016), XPS Ver. 1.0
Printer Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T), USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB Host


To contact us regarding your sales enquiry, call us on:

+6221 424 8809

bizhub 4050

An all-in-one multifunction printer to drive your office and empower information sharing.

Others in this series

bizhub 4750   |   bizhub 25e   |   bizhub 4700P

Key Features


Product Category Office
Mono Output Speed (A4 pages per min) 40
Print Resolution (dpi) 600 x 600
Copy Resolution (dpi) 1200 x 1200
First Time To Print Mono (secs) 8.5
Warm Up Time (secs) 77
Output Size Max A4
Average Monthly Volume (A4 pages per mth) 6667
Standard Paper Input Tray 1 (sheets) 550
Standard Paper Input Tray 2 (sheets) 250 or 550
Standard Paper Input Tray 3 (sheets) 250 or 550
Standard Paper Input Tray 4 (sheets) 250 or 550
Standard Paper Input Multiple Bypass (sheets) 100
Maximum Paper Input (sheets) 2300 (80 gsm) max.
Paper Weight Trays (gsm) 60-120
Paper Weight Multiple Bypass (gsm) 60-163
Standard Memory (GB) 2
Hard Drive Standard 320
Document Feeder (sheets) 1
Weight (kg) 24
Dimension W x D x H (mm) 489 X 482 X 561
Power Requirements (V / Amp / Hz) 220-240V / 50-60Hz
Max Power Consumption (kW) 1.8
Automatic Duplex Unit Paper Weight (gsm) 60 to 90 gsm
Automatic Duplex Unit Max Sheet Size A4
Scan Type Full colour scanner
Scanning Speed Simplex Max 45
Interface 10-BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T
Dual Scan False
Scanning Size Max A4
Output Format TIFF, JPEG, PDF, Compact PDF, XPS, PDF/A
Modem Type Super G3
Modem Speed (min to max kbps) 2.4 to 33.6
Transmission Speed (secs) 3
Scanning Speed (A4 originals per min) 45
Internet Fax Protocol SMTP, POP
Internet Fax Resolution (dpi) 200 × 100 dpi, 200 × 200 dpi, 400 × 400 dpi, 600 × 600 dpi
Internet Fax Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T)
Internet Fax Colour True
Sendand Receive File Format Send: TIFF-F, Receive: TIFF-F
Operating System Support Windows XP SP3 / XP SP2 64bit / Vista SP2 / Vista SP2 64bit /7 SP1 / 8Windows Server 2003 SP2 / Server 2003 SP2 64bit /Server 2008 SP2 / Server 2008 SP2 64bitMac OS X 10.2.8 or laterLinux 5 or later
Processor (MHz) 0.8
Supported Protocols TCP/IP, IPX/SPX (NDS support), SMB (NetBEUI), LPD, IPP1.1,SNMP, HTTP, WSD, AppleTalk
Memory 2
Printer Language PCL5e/c Emulation, PCL XL (Ver.3.0) Emulation,PostScript3 (3016) Emulation, XPS (Ver.1.0)
Printer Interface Ethernet (10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-T),USB 1.1, USB 2.0


To contact us regarding your sales enquiry, call us on:
+6221 424 8809

Optimised Print Services or OPS

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At Perdana Autorize Distributor Konica Minolta Indonesia, we offer Optimised Print Services, or OPS, to help you manage your print hardware more effectively and efficiently – which includes making sure you have the right printing fleet, processes, finance and security in place. Our services include OPS Consult, OPS Implement and OPS Manage. With OPS Consult, our expert consultants provide recommendations based on defined consulting procedures and powerful analysis tools. OPS Implement looks at providing change management based on your specific business needs. With OPS Manage, our expert consultants offer a scalable portfolio of services to help you run and manage your new fleet. Tailored to the specific needs of your business, our OPS Manage service can complement your existing IT services or assume full operational responsibility.