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Tahun ini PT Perdana Jatiputra kembali membuka Showroom kami untuk anda di gedung PJP pusat Kemayoran, Jakarta.

Free Demo Live kami kali ini akan menghadirkan Line-Up mesin-mesin tangguh dan unggulan dari Konica Minolta Production Printing.

Mesin A3+ seperti AccurioPress C14000, AccurioPress C7100, AccurioPress C4070, hingga mesin cetak Label roll to roll AccurioLabel 230 akan siap untuk menciptakan keajaiban dari nilai investasinya masing-masing untuk Anda. 

Pada kesempatan ini juga akan terdapat kejutan besar dan segar dari kami. Dengan bangga kami informasikan bahwa PT Perdana Jatiputra telah memulai kerjasama baru bersama Epson Indonesia yang menawarkan printer-printer fotografi yang pastinya sudah menjadi pengetahuan umum adalah yang terbaik di kelasnya.

Datang dengan berbagai macam mesin pilihan, mulai dari printer Entry-Level portable 6 inchi, Epson Minilab Photo Printer Surelab-D530, Minilab A4 Surelab-D1030. Dan yang diunggulkan mesin cetak foto Profesional 44 inchi, Large Format Printer Roll to Roll Epson SureColor SC-P8530D. Semua ini dapat anda coba dan buktikan sendiri untuk efisiensi dan kesempurnaan kualitas hasil cetak. 

Kamipun merasa sangat beruntung untuk bisa mewakili mesin cetak fotografi terbaik dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun dan konsisten terhadap nilai-nilai kualitas fotografi profesional yang terkenal di dunia seperti Epson ini. 

Open House 2024 akan diadakan mulai tanggal 6 hingga 8 Mei 2024, karena itu datang dan rasakan sendiri nilai dari rencana investasi anda. Karena ini akan menjadi pilihan investasi terbaik yang paling tepat untuk memulai dan mengembangkan bisnis anda.

Acara akan dimulai dari pukul 09.30 hingga 16.30 WIB. Jadi catat, jangan lewatkan kesempatan langka untuk mencoba mesin-mesin terbaik secara pribadi. Yang pasti akan dipandu oleh tim profesional dari PT Perdana Jatiputra. 

Kenapa Harus Investasi Konica Minolta di PT Perdana Jatiputra?

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Rancangan dan sistem Kerja PT Perdana Jatiputra yang paling utama adalah Pertumbuhan Profit Bisnis Anda.

  • Karena Hanya Perdana Jatiputra lah yang sanggup membuka dan memberi kunci sUKSES pada segmen high Production printing.
  • DEngan tim paling berpengalaman dan terbaik yang telah terbukti.
  • Efisiensi Operasionalyang selalu maksimal.
  • Rancangan setiap sistem operasional kami adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi, efisiensi serta kualitas.
  • dampaknya secara pasti akan Meningkatkan Profit bisnis Anda dan bertambahnya loyalitas customer.
AccurioPress C14000/C12000, hanya tersedia di PT Perdana Jatiputra
2023 Top Distributor of the Year

Dalam hal mesin-mesin cetak produksi, yang sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Kemenangan kita diganswkehandalannya dengan mesin-mesin MFP / fotokopi kami yang berpengalaman lebih dari lima abad lalu, dengan segala fitur yang selalu diperbaharui dan semakin canggih itu, dipadukan dengan sumber daya tim Profesional dan Berpengalaman yang paling terbaik dibidangnya. Dan ini telah sangat terbukti pada ruang lingkup kerja dengan kompetitor sekalipun.

Dengan melihat skill dan kepercayaan diri kami, maka Secara Pasti dan Optimistik Espektasi itupun Akan Kita lampaui, Bersama.

Tim yang yang terdiri dari individu-individu yang cerdas, kritis, loyal dan pekerja keras
Gapai mimpimu bersama kami

Rancangan dan sistem Kerja PT Perdana Jatiputra yang paling utama adalah Pertumbuhan Profit Bisnis yang anda miliki.


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PEMILU adalah proses demokratis untuk memilih wakil rakyat atau pejabat pemerintahan secara langsung oleh warga negara suatu negara. Pemilihan Umum merupakan mekanisme penting dalam sistem demokrasi modern yang memungkinkan rakyat untuk berpartisipasi dalam menentukan pemimpin dan kebijakan negara.

Kesuksesan pemilu serentak 2024 menjadi momen penentu masa depan bangsa, khususnya dalam kurun lima tahun mendatang.

Barangkali sudah terlampau banyak orang bicara demokrasi baik yang berasal dari kalangan akademisi maupun dari kalangan politisi dan birokrat. Kalangan akademisi mempunyai kecenderungan melihat demokrasi dari sudut pandang demokrasi sebagai nilai-nilai universal yang dapat ditemukan di negara manapun yang menjalankan prinsip politik tersebut. Sementara itu kalangan politisi dan birokrat di Indonesia cenderung melihat demokrasi dengan beban ethnosentrisme yang berlebihan. Umumnya dinyatakan dengan ungkapan bahwa kita mempunyai sistem nilai budaya sendiri, maka demokrasi di Indonesia haruslah sesuai dengan sistem dan tata nilai kita sendiri.

Atau kita tidak mengenal demokrasi liberal, yang kita kenal adalah demokrasi Pancasila. Itu pun salah satu permasalahan demokrasi di negeri ini, akan tetapi semuanya sangat percaya bahwa demokrasi dan Pemilu merupakan sesuatu yang diperlukan.

Bagi orang yang mempunyai kepedulian tentang demokrasi dalam penyelenggaraan negara, baik pemilihan umum maupun Pemilu merupakan sesuatu yang dipersyaratkan bagi ada tidaknya demokrasi, karena Pemilu merupakan salah satu tonggak yang harus diadakan, jika tidak maka tidak akan ada demokrasi.

Oleh karena itu Pemilu yang demokratik bukan merupakan tugas rutin, akan tetapi sebagai satu prasyarat. Bukan merupakan wahana untuk sekadar memperoleh legitimasi kekuasaan, akan tetapi merupakan wahana dimana warga masyarakat mempunyai kesempatan untuk memperlihatkan aspirasi pilitiknya sesuai dengan hati nuraninya. Mari kita sambut Pemilu 2024 dengan Amanah Demokrasi secara holistik dan mondial.

Konica Minolta bizhub 225i/205i

Konica Minolta bizhub 225i/205i.. A3 Monochrome Multifunction Copier. Copy – Print – Scan – Fax.
Download Brochure
Easy to understand and easy to use with one-touch buttons for speedy operation. Find your way around in moments with an intuitive layout and large buttons. Useful functions such as ID Print and Duplex Copy have been assigned their own hard keys, so there’s no need to scroll through menus to and what you need. Easily collate your multi-page documents into a booklet with Booklet Print. Print multiple pages onto one sheet with N-up Print. Collate 2 or 4 pages into one.Combine both sides of small or irregularly shaped documents onto one page with the ID Copy function. With the Multi ID Copy function, you can scan multiple small documents at once, neatly combining the fronts and backs onto a single sheet. Ideal for business cards. The optional Reverse Auto Document Feeder (DF-633) makes double-sided scanning easy. Save on running costs by using Internet Fax to send your documents via your existing internet connection. Our Mobile Print for bizhub 205i/225i app allows you to print directly from your Android or iOS device. No need to waste time transferring documents to your office.

bizhub C364e

Key Features

  • Speed A4/A3: 36/18 ppm in colour and black & white
  • Paper formats: A6-SRA3, custom formats and banner format up to 1.2 metres length
  • 9 inch colour touch panel with multi-touch support
  • Dual-scan document feeder scans both sides of double-sided originals in one run at a speed of 160 ipm
  • Modular finishing and paper tray options for customised configurations
Related Product :
bizhub C364e  |   bizhub C654e   |   bizhub C454e   |   bizhub C224e   |   bizhub C308   |   bizhub C368

Print from anywhere, anytime…



Making printing infrastructure work efficiently

Konica Minolta’s Optimized Print Services (OPS) combine consulting, hardware, software, implementation and workflow management in order to lower document spend.

Visit the Optimized Print Services Website

Technology Matrix
Easily compatible to users and IT environments thanks to Konica Minolta unified print technologyEmperon™ Controller
Pays off to budget and green footprint by high quality and low environmental impactSimitri® HD Toner
Improved user-device interaction and productivity by full MFP panel customisation to your needsIWS Internal Web Service
Enable efficient workflows throughout your MFP fleet by server-based applicationsOpenAPI Technology 
Increase the scope of MFP functionality from basic to advanced depending on your needsi-Option Technology
Keep productivity up by online device and consumable monitoring of the Konica Minolta serviceCS Remote Care


Operating Systems

Copier Specifications

Copying process Electrostatic laser copy, tandem, indirect
Toner system Simitri HD® polymerised toner
Copy/print speed A4 mono (cpm) 36
Copy/print speed A4 colour (cpm) 36
Copy/print speed A3 mono (cpm) 18
Copy/print speed A3 colour (cpm) 18
Autoduplex speed A4 mono (cpm) 36
Autoduplex speed A4 colour (cpm) 36
1st Copy/print time mono (sec) 5.3
1st Copy/print time colour (sec) 6.9
Warm-up time (sec) Approx. 20 *
* Warm up time may vary depending on the operating environment and usage
Copy resolution (dpi) 600 x 600
Gradations 256 gradations
Multi-copy 1-9,999
Original format A5-A3
Magnification 25-400% in 0.1% steps; auto-zooming
Copy functions Chapter; cover and page insertion; proof copy (print and screen); adjustment test print; digital art functions;
job setting memory; poster mode; image repeat; overlay (optional); stamping; copy protection

Printer Specifications

Print resolution (dpi) 1,800 x 600
1,200 x 1,200
Controller CPU Speed 800 MHz
Page description language PCL6 (XL 3.0)
PCL 5c
PostScript 3 (CPSI 3016)
Operating systems Windows VISTA (32/64)
Windows 7 (32/64)
Windows 8 (32/64)
Windows 10 (32/64)
Windows Server 2008 (32/64)
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64)
Windows Server 2012 (64)
Windows Server 2012 R2
Macintosh OS X 10.x
Unix, Linux, Citrix
Printer fonts 80 PCL Latin; 137 PostScript 3 Emulation Latin
Print functions Direct print of PCL, PS, TIFF, XPS, PDF, encrypted PDF files
and OOXML (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX); mixmedia and mixplex;
“Easy Set” job programming; overlay; watermark;
copy protection; carbon copy print

Scanner Specifications

Scan speed colour (opm) Up to 160 ipm (with optional DF-701)
Scan Speed mono (opm) Up to 160 ipm (with optional DF-701)
Scan resolution (dpi) Max.: 600 x 600
Scan modes Scan-to-eMail (Scan-to-Me)
Scan-to-SMB (Scan-to-Home)
Network TWAIN scan
File formats JPEG; TIFF; PDF; PDF/A 1a and 1b (optional); compact PDF; encrypted PDF; searchable PDF (optional); XPS; compact XPS; PPTX; searchable PPTX (optional); searchable DOCX/XLSX (optional)
Scan destinations 2,100 (single + group); LDAP support
Scan functions Annotation (text/time/date) for PDF; up to 400 job programs; real-time scan preview

Fax Specifications

Fax standard Super G3 (optional)
Fax transmission Analogue
Colour i-Fax (RFC3949-C)
Fax resolution (dpi) Max.: 600 x 600 (ultra-fine)
Fax compression MH; MR; MMR; JBIG
Fax modem (Kbps) Up to 33.6 Kbps
Fax destinations 2,100 (single + group)
Fax functions Polling; time shift; PC-Fax; receipt to confidential box;
Receipt to e-mail/FTP/SMB; up to 400 job programs

User box specification

Max. storable documents Up to 3,000 documents or 10,000 pages
Type of user boxes Public
Personal (with password or authentication)
Group (with authentication)
Type of system boxes Secure print
Encrypted PDF print
Fax receipt
Fax polling
User box functionality Reprint; combination
Sending (e-mail/FTP/SMB and Fax)
Copy box to box

System Specifications

System memory standard (MB) 2,048 (standard)
System hard disc standard (GB) 250 (standard)
Interfaces standard Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n (optional)
Network protocols TCP/IP (IPv4 / IPv6); IPX/SPX; NetBEUI; AppleTalk (EtherTalk); SMB; LPD; IPP; SNMP; HTTP
Frame types Ethernet 802.2; Ethernet 802.3; Ethernet II; Ethernet SNAP
Automatic document feeder Up to 100 originals; A6-A3; 35-163 gsm
RADF or Dualscan ADF available
Paper size A6-SRA3, customised paper sizes;
banner paper max. 1,200 x 297 mm
Printable paper weight (g/m²) 52-300 gsm
Paper input capacity (sheets) Standard: 1,150
Max.: 3,650 sheets
Paper trays standard Tray 1: 500 sheets, A5-A3, 52-256 gsm
Tray 2: 500 sheets, A5-SRA3, 52-256 gsm
Manual Bypass: 150 sheets, A6-SRA3, custom sizes, banner, 60-300 gsm
Paper trays optional Tray 3: 500 sheets, A5-A3, 52-256 gsm
Tray 3 + 4: 2x 500 sheets, A5-A3, 52-256 gsm
Large Capacity Cabinet: 2,500 sheets, A4, 52-256 gsm
Automatic duplexing A5-SRA3; 52-256 gsm
Finishing modes (optional) Offset; group; sort; staple; punch; post insertion; centre-fold; letter fold; booklet
Output capacity (w. finisher) Max.: 3,300 sheets
Output capacity (w/o finisher) Max.: 250 sheets
Stapling 50 sheets or 48 sheets + 2 cover sheets (up to 209 gsm)
Stapling output capacity Max. 1,000 sheets
Letter fold Up to 3 sheets
Letter fold capacity Max.: 30 sheets (tray); unlimited
Booklet Max.: 20 sheets (90gsm) or 19 sheets (90gsm) + 1 cover sheet (up to 209 gsm)
Booklet output capacity Max.: 100 sheets (tray); unlimited
Copy/print volume recommended (monthly) 25,000 pages
Copy/print volume max. (monthly) 125,000 pages
Toner lifetime Black 27,000
Toner lifetime CMY 25,000
Developer lifetime Black 600,000
Developer lifetime CMY 600,000
Drum lifetime Black 120,000
Drum lifetime CMY 90,000
Power consumption 220-240 V / 50/60 Hz
Less than 1.5 kW (system)
System dimensions (WxDxH, mm) 615 x 685 x 779 mm (excl. ADF and lower paper tray unit)
System weight (kg) Approx. 85

System Features

Security ISO 15408 EAL3 (in evaluation); IEEE 2600.1 compliant;
IP filtering and port blocking;
SSL2; SSL3 and TSL1.0 network communication;
IPsec support; IEEE 802.1x support; user authentication;
Authentication log; secure print;
Hard disc overwrite (8 standard types);
Hard disc data encryption (AES 128);
Memory data auto deletion; Confidential fax receipt;
Print user data encryption; copy protection (Copy Guard,
Password Copy) optional
Accounting Up to 1,000 user accounts; Active Directory support (user name + password + e-mail + smb folder)
User function access definition
Biometric authentication (finger vein scanner) optional
ID card authentication (ID card reader) optional
Software PageScope Net Care Device Manager
PageScope Data Administrator
PageScope Box Operator
PageScope Direct Print
Print Status Notifier
Driver Packaging Utility
Log Management Utility


  • All specifications refer to A4-size paper of 80 gsm quality.
  • The support and availability of the listed specifications and functionalities varies depending on operating systems, applications and network protocols as well as network and system configurations.
  • The stated life expectancy of each consumable is based on specific operating conditions such as page coverage for a particular page size (5% coverage of A4). The actual life of each consumable will vary depending on use and other printing variables including page coverage, page size, media type, continuous or intermittent printing, ambient temperature and humidity.
  • Some of the product illustrations contain optional accessories.
  • Specifications and accessories are based on the information available at the time of printing and are subject to change without notice.
  • Konica Minolta does not warrant that any specifications mentioned will be error-free.
  • All brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.


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PT Perdana Jatiputra autorize distributor of Konica Minolta employees are instrumental in setting standards and industry “firsts” for our developing technological world. For almost 150 years, the Konica Minolta team has contributed to the world of imaging technology. As Konica Minolta Business Solutions continues to grow, we look for highly motivated team members to contribute their talent and skill.

PT Perdana Jatiputra autorize distributor of  Konica Minolta Indonesia has branches in all mainland capital cities and we offer great opportunities for career development. We are an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and also offer many company benefits that recognise family commitments and a work / life balance.

If you are looking for a career where a strong work ethic is highly valued and opportunities for advancement are based on achievement, please contact us.

Employee Benefits

Benefits for our employees include:

  • Salary packaging/sacrifice on superannuation / life insurance
  • Employee discounts on products
  • Study support on approved courses
  • Uniforms for field staff

All positions within the company are advertised internally and employees are encouraged to apply for any position in any location. Management supports the internal promotion of staff.

We believe that our people hold the key to our performance and success.

Positions Available

See the positions available

Come and join our dedicated and energetic team, and get your career on the right track.

Please be advised that due to the high volume of applications we receive, only those shortlisted for positions will be contacted.