Atas nama PT Perdana Jatiputra kami ucapkan,
Selamat Merayakan Tahun Baru IMLEK 2575/2024″.
Gong Xi Gong Xi!, Semoga setiap langkah yang Anda ambil akan selalu diberkati, dengan rejeki yang selalu lancar dan berada terus dalam kesuksesan.
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Atas nama PT Perdana Jatiputra kami ucapkan,
Selamat Merayakan Tahun Baru IMLEK 2575/2024″.
Gong Xi Gong Xi!, Semoga setiap langkah yang Anda ambil akan selalu diberkati, dengan rejeki yang selalu lancar dan berada terus dalam kesuksesan.
Sebagai bagian dari pelaku bisnis, tentu kami akan selalu bergantung pada kesetiaan, kepercayaan anda para pelanggan kami. Untuk itu kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para pelanggan kami yang telah menjadi anggota tim yang hebat dan teman yang berharga dan terpercaya bagi kami sepanjang tahun 2023 ini.
Tentunya sebagai suatu unit korporasi profesional, kamipun pasti tidak akan luput dari kesalahan. Namun kami akan selalu berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk memperbaiki setiap hal dan detail kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut dan memperbaikinya secara terus menerus, hingga kami dapat mencapai kepuasan semua pelanggan-pelanggan kami. Maka itu kami akan jadikan tahun 2024 kedepan ini sebagai tahun prioritas untuk para pelanggan kami secara total dan komitmen yang kuat.
Sekian kami akhiri dengan kerendahan hati, kami ucapkan,
As part of the Indonesian people, we, PT Perdana Jatiputra together with Konica Minolta Indonesia, are very proud to have had the opportunity to contribute to an event as important as the 2023 ASEAN Summit.
Last year’s 43rd ASEAN Summit was held again in Jakarta and was attended by leaders from 22 countries. So it’s not just the 11 ASEAN member countries. The partner countries said to be present were the Republic of Korea, India, Japan, China, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Russia and the United States (US). Then there are two more countries, namely Bangladesh as Chair of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) and Cooks Island as Chair of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF).
As a union of Southeast Asia, of course this event is very important for all countries, therefore PT Perdana Jatiputra also felt they had to participate so that the event could be carried out smoothly.
By remaining loyal to carrying multifunctional machines from Konica Minolta, it is hoped that this event can achieve its expectations.
This contribution also shows our company’s expertise, ability and loyalty to all customers, accompanied by a strong commitment that shows a professional and classy way of working, both for local and international customers.
With the opening of our new branch/depot offices in Bali, Surabaya and Malang, PT Perdana Jatiputra is holding a Customer Gathering event. As the authorized distributor and the sole rights holder of Sales and Service from the main Konica Minolta brand, we feel it is very important to increase bond with our customers in the eastern region of the islands of Java and Bali.
The event, which was attended directly by Jun Yamauchi as the Chief Representative of Konica Minolta Business Solution Indonesia, started in Bali on Saturday, June 17 2023. It was continued in Malang and ended in Surabaya on June 22, 2023 evening.
In addition to social events and lunch / dinner, in this event we also introduced the latest Konica Minolta technology. The AccurioPrint C4065, which provides the experience of Production Printing machine technology with a compact design and the best print quality in its class. With print speeds of up to 2,220 sheets per hour, this revolutionary production press has all the features your business needs to easily develop new revenue streams and expand into new markets.
In the printing industry, speed and costs are the two most important factors in the success of a business. So besides AccurioPrint C4065 we also introduce AccurioShine 3600, a 3D Varnish Gloss and Foil machine with Digital Spot UV Coating. You can have a new weapon in your arsenal to meet the demands of today’s printing needs and handle the business end of your company.
We hope that this events will provide more than just business collaboration between Konica Minolta and PT Perdana Jatiputra with our customers, but also be able to build personal bonds that can enhance mutually beneficial long-term commitments between each other.