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This year PT Perdana Jatiputra is again holding an Open House back at our Showroom for you in the PJP Kemayoran building, Jakarta.

Our Live Demo will present the superior Line-Up machines from Konica Minolta Production Press.

A3+ machines such as the AccurioPress C14000, AccurioPress C7100, AccurioPress C4070, and the AccurioLabel 230 Roll to Roll label printing machine will be ready to create investment values magic for you.

On this occasion there will also be a big and fresh surprise from us. We are proud to inform you that PT Perdana Jatiputra has started a new collaboration together with Epson Indonesia which offers photographic printers which are certainly common knowledge and are the best in their class.

Comes with a variety of photographic printers machines to choose from, starting from a 6 inch portable Entry-Level printer, Epson Minilab Photo Printer Surlab-D530, Minilab A4 Surelab-D1030.And the highlight is the 44 inch Professional photo printing machine, Large Format Roll to Roll Printer Epson SureColor SC-P8530D. You can try all this and prove it by yourself for efficiency and perfect quality of print results. 

We’re very fortunate to be able to represent the best photographic printing machines with many years of experience and consistency in the values of world-famous professional photographic quality such as Epson Printers. 

Open House 2024 will be held from 6 to 8 May 2024, therefore come and experience the value of your investment plan will be the most appropriate choice to start and develop your business. Because the best investment choice is with us.

Open House 2024 will be held from 6 to 8 May 2024, so come and experience the value of your investment plan for yourself. Because this will be the best and most appropriate investment choice for starting and developing your business. 


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We from PT Perdana Jatiputra  a Sole Authorized Distributor of Konica Minolta in Indonesia, wish you, s very “Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1445H”.
Taqabbalallahu minna wa minku,( تقبلله معنا و منك). We asking forgiveness for any mistakes, both intentional and unintentional, physically and mentally.

Let us work together to strengthen mutually beneficial and sustainable business relationships.

Happy Eid Mubarak Day – 1 Syawal 1445

Top Distributor of The Year 2023

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PT Perdana Jatiputra mendapatkan kehormatan besar kali ini dengan mendapatkan prestasi, bukan hanya satu tapi dua  penghargaan paling bergengsi : Penghargaan diberikan pada acara Marketing Summit di Malaysia untuk jangkauan seluruh Asia Tenggara.
Tentu kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada seluruh customer dan pendukung kami, karena kenyataan sesungguhnya dua penghargaan ini adalah untuk semua pihak yang memungkinkan hal-hal yang baik dalam mendapatkan kehormatan yang membanggakan ini terjadi

Kami pun pasti berterima kasih juga pada  Konica Minolta BSA Indonesia yang selalu mendukung dan sabar menghadapi kami.
Juga dari management kami yang tak habis-habisnya selalu memberikan ilmu dan kepeduliannya pada kami, hingga tetap dapat menumbuhkan semangat kerja kami.

Dengan tulus sekali lagi kami ucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya,

Dari Manajemen dan seluruh Staf PTPJ.

Feeling Honor and Pride as we were Crown as the Top Distributor in South East Asia.

PT Perdana Jatiputra has just received a great honor for our work last year by achieving, not just one but two of the most prestigious awards:
1. The most prestigious award as Top Distributor of the Year 2023 in South East Asia
2. And also as 2023 Top Sales Award Production Printing in South East Asia.
The award was given at the Marketing Summit in Malaysia for coverage throughout Southeast Asia.
Of course we would like to say a big thank you to all our customers and supporters, because in reality these two awards are for all parties who made good things possible in getting this proud honor to happen.We would also like to thank Konica Minolta BSA Indonesia for always supporting and being patient with us.
Also from our management who always provides knowledge and care for us, so that we can continue to grow our work enthusiasm.

Thank you, sincerely

The PTPJ management and staff


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ELECTIONS are a democratic process for electing people’s representatives or government officials directly by the citizens of a country. General elections are an important mechanism in a modern democratic system that allows the people to participate in determining the country’s leaders and policies.

The success of the 2024 simultaneous elections will be a determining moment for the nation’s future, especially in the next five years. Perhaps too many people talk about democracy, both from academic circles and from politicians and bureaucrats.
Academics have a tendency to view democracy from the perspective of democracy as universal values that can be found in any country that implements these political principles. Meanwhile, politicians and bureaucrats in Indonesia tend to view democracy with an excessive burden of ethnocentrism. Generally stated with the expression that we have our own cultural value system, so democracy in Indonesia must be in accordance with our own system and values. Or we don’t know liberal democracy, what we know is Pancasila democracy. That is also one of the problems with democracy in this country, but everyone really believes that democracy and elections are something that is necessary.
For people who are concerned about democracy in state administration, both general elections and elections are something that is required for the existence or absence of democracy, because elections are one of the milestones that must be held, otherwise there will be no democracy.
Therefore, democratic elections are not a routine task, but rather a prerequisite. It is not a vehicle for simply gaining legitimacy of power, but rather a vehicle where citizens have the opportunity to show their political aspirations in accordance with their conscience. Let’s welcome the 2024 Election with the Democratic Trust in a holistic and fundamental way.

Happy New Year 2024

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Thank you to our customers who have been great team members & invaluable and trusted friends throughout 2023. So with the deepest humility we say,
With a humble attitude

As part of a business, of course we will always depend on your loyalty and trust, our customers. For this reason, we would like to thank our customers who have been great team members and valuable and trusted friends for us throughout 2023.
Of course, as a professional corporate unit, we will definitely not escape mistakes. However, we will always try our best to correct every detail and detail of these errors and improve them continuously, so that we can achieve the satisfaction of all our customers. Therefore, we will make 2024 a priority year for our customers in total and with strong commitment.
So with our we say,


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Sebagai bagian dari masyarakat Indonesia, kami PT Perdana Jatiputra bersama Konica Minolta Indonesia sangatlah merasa bangga karena mendapatkan kesempatan untuk berkontribusi pada ajang sepenting KTT ASEAN 2023 lalu.

KTT ASEAN ke-43 tahun lalu digalang kembali di Jakarta dan dihadiri pemimpin-pemimpin dari 22 negara. Jadi bukan hanya 11 negara anggota ASEAN. Negara-negara mitra yang disebut hadir itu adalah Republik Korea, India, Jepang, RRC, New Zealand, Kanada, Australia, Rusia, dan Amerika Serikat (AS). Lalu ada dua negara lagi, yakni Bangladesh sebagai Ketua Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) dan Cooks Island sebagai Ketua Pacific Island Forum (PIF).  
Sebagai satu persatuan Asia Tenggara tentu perhelatan ini sangat penting bagi semua negaranya, karena itu PT Perdana Jatiputra juga merasa harus ikut berpartisipasi agar acara dapat terlaksana dengan lancar.
Dengan tetap setia mengusung mesin-mesin multifungsi dari Konica Minolta, diharapkan acara ini bisa mencapai pengharapannya.

Kontribusi ini juga menunjukkan keahlian, kemampuan dan loyalitas perusahaan kami untuk semua customer, diiringi dengan komitmen kuat yang menunjukkan cara kerja profesional dan berkelas, baik untuk customer lokal hingga internasional.

Customer Gathering 2023 – Bali, Surabaya, Malang

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Dengan dibukanya kantor cabang/depo baru kami di Kota Bali, Surabaya dan Malang PT Perdana Jatiputra kembali mengadakan acara Customer Gathering. Sebagai distributor resmi dan pemegang hak tunggal Sales dan Service dari Brand utama mesin Konica Minolta, kami merasa sangat pentingnya untuk meningkatkan ikatan dengan pelanggan-pelanggan kami di daerah wilayah timur pulau Jawa dan Bali ini.

Acara yang dihadiri langsung oleh Jun Yamauchi selaku Chief Representative Konica Minolta Business Solution Indonesia ini dimulai di Bali pada hari Sabtu tanggal 17 Juni 2023. Dilanjutkan dengan kota Malang dan diakhiri dengan Surabaya pada tanggal 22 Juni 2023 malam.

Selain ramah tamah dan makan siang/malam bersama, event ini diisi dengan perkenalan terhadap beberapa teknologi mesin terbaru dari Konica Minolta. Seperti mesin AccurioPrint C4065 yang memberikan pengalaman teknologi mesin Production Printing dengan desain yang Compact dan kualitas cetak yang terbaik di kelasnya. Dengan kecepatan cetak hingga 2.220 lembar per jam, mesin cetak produksi yang revolusioner ini memiliki semua fitur yang dibutuhkan bisnis Anda untuk dengan mudah mengembangkan aliran pendapatan baru dan berekspansi ke pasar baru.

Dalam industri percetakan, kecepatan dan biaya tentu adalah dua faktor terpenting dalam kesuksesan sebuah bisnis. Jadi selain AccurioPrint C4065 kami juga memperkenalkan AccurioShine 3600, mesin 3D Varnish Gloss dan Foil dengan Digital Spot UV Coating. Anda dapat memiliki senjata baru di gudang senjata Anda untuk memenuhi tuntutan kebutuhan cetak saat ini dan menangani akhir bisnis perusahaan Anda.

Dengan adanya acara-acara seperti ini diharapkan dapat memberi lebih dari sekedar kerjasama bisnis antara Konica Minolta danPT Perdana Jatiputra dengan para Customer-nya, namun juga mampu membangun ikatan personal yang dapat meningkatkan komitmen yang saling menguntungkan untuk jangka panjang antara sesama.

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