Tentang BLI

Buyer’s Laboratory Inc. adalah laboratorium produk testing perangkat kantor yang mandiri dan terdepan dari Amerika. Mereka mempublikasikan laporan uji lab pada produk office secara komprehensif, yang merepresentasikan bulan bukan yang penuh pengujian yang teliti dan efektif.

January, 2014 – BLI Awards “Pick” Winners

Konica Minolta bizhub C364e- Outstanding 31- to 40-ppm A3 Color MFP

Konica Minolta bizhub C454e- Outstanding 41- to 50-ppm A3 Color MFP

Konica Minolta bizhub 554e -Outstanding 51- to 60-ppm A3 Monochrome MFP

March, 2013 – Better Buys for Businesss

Konica Minolta bizhub 754 and bizhub 654 Editor’s Choice Award in the high-volume machines category.

January 2013 BLI Awards
“Pick” Winners

Konica Minolta’s currently available A3 business color “Pick” winners include the bizhub C364; bizhub C454; bizhub C554; bizhub C654; and bizhub C754. Its currently available

A3 monochrome “Pick” winners include the bizhub 223; bizhub 283; bizhub 363; bizhub 423; bizhub 552; bizhub 652; and bizhub 751. Additional models in Konica Minolta’s A3 lineup include the Recommended bizhub 215, and the Highly Recommended bizhub C224 and bizhub C284.

January 2012 BLI Awards
“Pick” Winners

A3 business color winners include the Konica Minolta bizhub C220; bizhub C280; bizhub C360; bizhub C452; bizhub C552/C552DS; and bizhub C652/C652DS

A3 black & white winners include the Konica Minolta bizhub 652; bizhub 552; bizhub 423; bizhub 363; bizhub 283; bizhub 223; bizhub 601; and bizhub 751.