Feeling Honor and Pride as we were Crown as the Top Distributor in South East Asia.

PT Perdana Jatiputra has just received a great honor for our work last year by achieving, not just one but two of the most prestigious awards:
1. The most prestigious award as Top Distributor of the Year 2023 in South East Asia
2. And also as 2023 Top Sales Award Production Printing in South East Asia.
The award was given at the Marketing Summit in Malaysia for coverage throughout Southeast Asia.
Of course we would like to say a big thank you to all our customers and supporters, because in reality these two awards are for all parties who made good things possible in getting this proud honor to happen.We would also like to thank Konica Minolta BSA Indonesia for always supporting and being patient with us.
Also from our management who always provides knowledge and care for us, so that we can continue to grow our work enthusiasm.

Thank you, sincerely

The PTPJ management and staff

Felix Hariyanto Budiono – DOT Printing Solution, Pekalongan

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“Hasil cetak Konica Minolta lebih bagus di bandingkan dengan kompetitor.”

Ketika Mimpi 2012 di Benhil itu menjadi nyata pada 2015, DOT Digital Printing Solution hadir di Pekalongan.

Bisnis printing tak pernah mati, meski dimasa pandemi, kebutuhan mencetak selalu ada dan diminati, seperti terlihat di DOT Digital Printing Solution Pekalongan.

Bagaimana Felix Haryanto Budiono, selaku pemilik digital printshop DOT Printing Solution memulai usahanya dan terus berkembang hingga hari ini? Berikut liputanya.
Felix mengawali bisnisnya dari mimpi, ketika berada di pusat percetakan 24jam Benhil Jakarta.
Pusat, tepatnya ketika mrmbuat skripsi pada 2012 lalu.
“ Ketika waktu mengerjakan Skripsi kuliah sekitar tahun 2012, saya mencetak buku skripsi saya di Bendungan Hilir. Dan ketika itu saya bermimpi untuk memulai usaha sendiri yaitu sebuah digital printing, “ ujar Felix kepada redaksi.
selama tahun 2012 hingga 2014,
Ketika Mimpi 2012 di Benhil itu menjadi nyata pada 2015, DOT Digital Printing Solution hadir di Pekalongan
“ Hasil cetak Konica Minolta lebih bagus di bandingkan dengan kompetitor,”
Felix Hariyanto Budiono/Owner DOT Printing Solution, Pekalongan :
Felix terus mencari tahu dan melakukan survey ke beberapa print shop tentang investasi dan bagaimana memulai usaha printing.

“Kemudian pada tahun 2015 setelah membulatkan tekad dan mendapat pinjaman modal dari Om dan Orang tua saya. Saya memberanikan diri untuk mulai bisnis digital printing,” jelas Felix.

Felix Hariyanto Budi/Owner DOT Digital Printing Solution :
“Sebelum memutuskan pilih Konica Minolta, kami melakukan survey di beberapa printshop di Semarang dan sekitarnya.”

Sebelum memulai usahanya sendiri di printshop DOT Printing Solution, Felix bekerja pada orang tuanya di toko kertas.
“Sebelumnya saya membantu orang tua di toko kertas,” ungkap Felix, ketika ditanya usahanya sebelum di DOT Printing Solution.
Felix dan istri sering mencetak beberapa kebutuhan cetaknya di beberapa digital printshop di semarang dan sekitarnya, dari situ Felix mengetahui keunggulan dan kelemahan dari sebuah printer. Felix sering kali menemukan mesin printer Konica Minolta. Sejak itulah Felix berkenalan dengan Konica Minolta – Perdana Jatiputra dan diundang ke berbagai pameran, seminar serta mengunjungi show room Konica Minolta.

“Kami melakukan survey dari beberapa digital printing tersebut dan kami memutuskan untuk mengambil Konica Minolta dikarenakan hasil cetaknya yang lebih bagus di bandingan dengan hasil cetak kompetitor,” jelasnya. Kini DOT Printing memiliki dua unit Konica Minolta C1085 & C 6085 sejak 2015 lalu. Felix terus promosi bahwa kualitas printernya lebih baik. Sejak itu pula pelanggan terus bertambah, demikian juga karyawan untuk melayani pelanggannya.

“ Kami puas dengan layanan dan purna jual Perdana Jatiputra hingga saat ini, semoga kedepan layanannya menjadi lebih baik, terintegrasi, harap Felix.**

Printpack Indonesia Vol.XIV/No.0`/Jan-Februari 2021


Konica Minolta at All Print Indonesia Expo 2019

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Konica Minolta Indonesia bersama Distributor resminya PT Perdana Jatiputra kembali hadir dalam pameran besar All Print Indonesia di JIEXPo Kemayoran. Acara dimulai dari tanggal 30 Oktober hingga 2 November 2019.

Teknologi-teknologi dari mesin Multifunction Peripheral (MFP) / Fotocopy Multifungsi hingga mesin-mesin besar Production Printing (PP) diboyong ke lokasi pameran.

Selain itu PT Perdana Jatiputra (PJP) selaku distributor resmi brand utama Konica Minolta (KM) Indonesia juga menyajikan permainan dan tentu saja dengan hadiah-hadiah menarik ekslusif dan unik dari KM. Dengan berpartisipasi pada permainan-peemainan atau dengan mengisi quisioner, semua pengunjung, customer setia dan calon customer dapat mencoba keberuntungannya.

Pemenang lucky wheel of fortune mendapat hadiah ekslusif Konica Minolta.

PJP sendiri masihmemamerkan kemajuan mesin-mesin mutakhir dari KM seperti mesin PP AccurioPress C6100/C6085, AccurioPress C3080/C3070, bizhub Pro 1100 hingga mesin-mesin A3 MFP terbaru i-Series (C250i/C300i/C360i) dengan desain & aplikasi yang lebih sempurna dari seri sebelumnya.

Para ahli dari PJP memberi pengarahan keunggulan, kemampuan dan kecanggihan teknologi mesin AccurioPress.

Penjelasan ahli dari PJP pada pengunjung mengenai kelebihan mesin MFP i-series terbaru.

Selain mesin-mesin terbaru dari Konica Minolta, PJP juga memberikan promo besar hingga 2 juta untuk pembelian mesin MFP bizhub C226.

PJP juga bekerjasama dengan mesin finishing dari Jepang Duplo yang mampu menyelesaikan berbagai macam finishing document seperti sortir, lipatan, potong, booklet dari awal hingga akhir dokumen yang siap untuk di sajikan dengan sempurna san sangat cepat.

Sebagai pemegang brand utama dari Konica Minolta, PT Perdana Jatiputra selalu melakukan dan menyajikan service, sales dengan totalitas yang maksimal, untuk nama baik perusahan PJP sendiri, juga untuk kepercayaan konsumen terhadap brand Konica Minolta yang sangat besar.

Kami segenap tim dan kerabat kerja PT Perdana Jatiputra & Konica Minolta Indonesia memgucapkan banyak terima kasih atas partisipasi dan juga dukungan yang tak henti-hentinya dari pihak penyelenggara, seluruh peserta pameran, pengunjung, para customer setia dan calon customer, hingga semua pihak atas terlaksananya pameran kami di All Print 2019 kali ini.Semoga menjadi kebanggaan dan manfaat untuk dunia percetakan di Indonesia.

Sampai jumpa pada All Print tahun depan.

Accurio Road Show 2019 – Palembang

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Perdana Jatiputra as the official Authorized distributor of the Konica Minolta brand in Indonesia, again held “Accurio Roadshow 2019” in several cities, this time the city of Palembang is hosting the event.

The atmosphere of the Road Show at Hotel Arya Duta Palembang

AccurioPress replaces Bizhub Press for high-end production printing devices. The latest AccurioPress series with the AccurioPress C6100 / C6085 type were created to support responsive printing processes & provide comprehensive solutions. With reliable machine technology, this production has become very productive and flexible, specifically designed to meet all the needs of large and medium printing, as well as a companion offset machine for the needs of “Print On Demand” / POD.

The “Accurio Roadshow 2019” event was attended by Top Management of PT. Perdana Jatiputra, representative of Konica Minolta Indonesia, Konica Minolta dealers and printing entrepreneurs.

The AccurioPress machine provides stable color consistency for all types of prints: print anytime and anywhere the same color results. This uniqueness increases work profitability and productivity, saves time, because machine operators no longer need to spend a lot of time doing color settings just to get the right color stability for each printing order, especially if there are “repeat orders” at different printing sites. Thus the machine owner can cut operational costs: the cost of printing and using paper becomes more efficient, it is not wasted to “trial” the color settings.

The Accurio machine extends flexibility, increases speed, efficiency, and ensures high print quality by increasing accuracy and productivity, so that it is in line with the Accurio series tag-line namely Advanced, Automate, Accurate, in other words: sophisticated, automatic and accurate.

Accurio is the single solution in a new era of professional print business. High productivity and machine reliability are undoubtedly facing the challenges of a print business that is much faster, more resilient, especially in handling high-volume and high-speed jobs.

Another advantage of the AccurioPress C6100 / C6085 is to expand the business potential that can support the use of paper up to 400gsm thickness and can print at a speed of 100 A4 sheets / per minute. In addition, with the “Banner bypass unit” (MB-508) and “Banner Kit” (MK-740), the AccurioPress C6100 / C6085 machine can print banners up to length (maximum 1,300mm), and in large quantities. There is also the latest paper cabinet that is LU-202XLm which allows to accommodate paper with a capacity of up to 1,000 sheets, with a maximum length of paper up to the size of 762mm.

The secret behind the AccurioPress engine’s sophistication is the Intelligent Quality Optimizer (IQ-501) which functions to monitor and adjust color stability automatically from beginning to end during the printing process. With this optimization of the IQ-501, in addition to being able to provide the right color consistency, it also provides the consistency of precision back and forth printing results (front to back registration) automatically and in real time, thereby reducing print errors (less waste), and profiling the results the same for every repeat order, without the need to make a whole color adjustment. IQ-501 increases productivity and produces superior color consistency so that it can provide the right print and color quality according to customer demand.

Excellence The AccurioPress C6100 / C6085 engine combines digital printing whose color quality can approach offset printing using a color management system, so as to produce optimal results. With the sophistication of the technology “SEAD V Screen-Enhancing Active Digital Processing System” makes this machine has a reliable color stability.

The toner used is Simitri HDE which has a food contact certificate from TUV so that food packaged and labeled from the production of this machine is safe for consumption. Toner Simitri HDE produces a higher natural texture like the printing process from an offset machine.

With the many advantages of AccurioPress, PT. Perdana Jatiputra believes that the presence of the AccurioPress C6100 / C6085 can provide maximum performance for digital print players in Indonesia.

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Firtri 1440H/2019

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PT Perdana Jatiputra mengucapkan Selamat Merayakan Hari Raya Idul Fitri & Maafkan Lahir dan Batin.. Enjoy your Holiday Guys.. 

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